Grow Light Strength Recommendations by plant
Reference for grow light strengths by plant type
Reference for grow light strengths by plant type
3 helpful tips in your fight against mealybugs
The Philodendron tortum is prized for its long, fern-like leaves the get larger with each new leaf. I have documented my P. tortum over a 3-year period (so you can trust that what I’ve done works) with some important details that should help you on your journey. It’s less about buying perfect leaves and more […]
In the late fall season, grocery stores and nurseries are filled with colorful blooming plants, commonly called Christmas cactus or Thanksgiving cactus…or even Zygocatus. If you’re confused by plant names, it may help to make this mental separation: Common names: “What is this plant called?” (names given to a plant) Botanical name: “What *is* this […]
Disclaimer: this is a paid partnership between Soltech Solutions and House Plant Journal. The products were given to House Plant Journal to provide an honest review. Using the links to purchase from Soltech supports my efforts to create educational content on House Plant Journal. Get 15% off a Soltech grow light with my code: hpjsoltech15(House […]
If you want to develop strong fundamentals in plant care, my book and online course will guide you in the right direction.
I’m excited to partner with Dowan Ceramics to introduce and test their A-Pot self-watering houseplant pot! This is a paid partnership between Dowan Ceramics and House Plant Journal I was immediately drawn to the design of the A-Pot because of its stylish combination of glass and terracotta. While I’m generally on top of checking up […]
Disclaimer: this is a paid partnership between Soltech Solutions and House Plant Journal. The products were given to House Plant Journal to provide an honest review. Plant parents of today should rejoice from two converging trends: (1) the fact that LED technology has come a long way – cheaper and highly effective; (2) light requirements […]
If your growing conditions are good (adequate light) and you’re watering/fertilizing accordingly, then everything keeps growing – including aerial roots after they’re cut: A small Monstera deliciosa will eventually grow many aerial roots, creating a crazy jungle look – here’s the view from below my monstera: I personally like this look but if you’re looking […]
In my book, I stated that misting is about as useful to raise humidity as it is to light up a match to warm up a room: the effect on ambient humidity is minimal and temporary. And I don’t use a humidifier anywhere – my ambient indoor humidity in the winter goes down to 30% […]
I’m so excited to share that HPJ has partnered with Greg, the app that helps you grow healthy and happier plants, to bring you even more data-driven, science-based plant care! The Greg team and I agree that plant care should be highly personalized, because no two plants or environments are alike. So we both emphasize […]
Scale is an interesting pest: most people notice them when they see little domes stuck to the stem or any ridges along a leaf. The domes are actually the last stage of the insect since it is a protective shell that resists insecticidal soap sprays. Inside the dome are the eggs. When they hatch, the […]