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Real Houseplant Problems
Real Houseplant Problems
What's wrong with your plant? One picture won't say much. Getting the history of care is the only way to make a meaningful diagnosis.
The way a plant looks is a complicated balance between its environment, the care, and your expectations. I can help you make sense of it all.
Sensible Steps
Some things can be corrected, others must be accepted. Setting realistic expectations is just as important as learning to be better at plant care.
Houseplant Q&A
Monstera is droopy and yellowing
Monstera yellowing near bottom of plant
Monstera just looks sad
Monstera deliciosa newest leaves dying
Fiddle leaf fig leaves crunchy turning brown
Dieffenbachia new leaves yellowing and dying
Monstera getting brown edges
Rubber plant suffering from this thing
Monstera leaves turning yellow
Orchid has a brown spot
Maidenhair Fern trunk getting tall
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