Monstera baby leaves yellowing
Plant: Monstera deliciosa
How long have you had the plant? 1 to 6 months.
I have started to get yellowing leaves at the bottom of the Monstera. I also have a green leaf that is slowly turning yellow too. They are leaves that have no fenestrations in, and the yellow is not on the biggest leaves. The monstera has put out new growth with maximum fenestrations, and overall seems happy and healthy, however I am concerned about the increasing number of small yellow leaves.
Light Situation:

How do you determine WHEN to water? I wait for the soil to become completely dry.
Describe HOW you water: I fully soak the soil, letting excess drain away.
What fertilizer (if any) do you use? I recently started using fertilizer – Fiddle leaf fig plant food (recommend on your website)
Soil situation:

Darryl’s Analysis
That’s a great spot for your Monstera in terms of light.
In terms of the WHEN to water, you don’t have to wait for the soil to become completely dry – just beyond halfway dry is when I’d water a monstera. In terms of the HOW to water – soaking and letting excess drain away is great.
Your plant is doing fine from what I can see. The lower baby leaves (which are in fact, the oldest leaves) are always the first to die off. Just cut them off once they are fully yellowed – you can probably just gently pull them off when they’re ready.
Leaves have a limited lifespan, which is why you shouldn’t judge plant health SOLELY on leaves dying. The more sensible thing to do would be to understand what are the best possible growing conditions and care efforts you can realistically do, and, beyond that, accept what Nature has in store.
If you want to develop this approach to plant care, learn from my course.
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