Monstera getting brown edges
Plant: Monstera deliciosa
How long have you owned the plant? Almost 3 years
Plant Parent
It has been a couple of months since the new growth has been stunned and the dark edges have appeared on every leaf.
The overall plant:
Light Situation:

Thanks for the photos. Your plant definitely has a severe thrips infestation:
- The rusty brown patches and rough leaf texture is the damage caused by thrips eating away at the leaf surface and laying eggs into the leaf tissue.
- The yellowish flecks are thrips larvae:
IMPORTANT: you should move this plant away from your other plants as thrips can easily spread to adjacent plants.
For your specific plant, you should cut off the leaf in the photo – it is severely infested.
Here’s my detailed article on treating thrips.
In the future, you should get familiar with how thrips look so you can act on the infestation much earlier rather than let it get this bad.
Good luck!
More great resources to level-up your houseplant game:
- Read my books: ‘The New Plant Parent‘ and ‘The New Plant Collector‘
- Take my online course: Essentials of Houseplant Enjoyment
- More detailed houseplant Q&As
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