Monstera yellowing wilting even new growth dying – House Plant Journal

Monstera yellowing wilting even new growth dying

Plant: Monstera deliciosa

How long have you owned the plant? 1 to 6 months.

Plant Parent

Leaves are drying, turning yellow and wilting.  New growth turned brown and died

How do you determine WHEN to water? I wait for the soil to be completely dry.

Describe HOW you water: I pour a small amount of water into the soil.

Light situation:

Fertilizer: I recently started using Nice Things Universal Plant Food.


Thanks for submitting your photos and care details!

Could you please show me a close up of this leaf?

Plant Parent


Thanks for the close up photo.

Unfortunately, I can confirm that your Monstera has a pretty severe thrips infestation.

Based on how severe your infestation is and how readily available Monsteras are – I would recommend discarding this plant and getting a fresh Monstera. Treating an infestation this far gone will take months and the already damaged parts of the plant will never turn green – which means you’ll be looking at a sickly plant for many months but it’s really up to you.

More info here:

As you become more familiar with thrips, you’ll be able to detect an infestation earlier in the process, which will greatly improve you chances of controlling/eradicating them.

More great resources to level-up your houseplant game:

• ASK ME about one plant
• 30-Minute Consultation (for lots of plants)

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